My Savings Rate

The savings rate is a topic of much angst and consternation in the financial independence community. I have intended for some time to share my savings rate and periodically track/update it on this site. So, let’s do that. I also have some thoughts on the most sensible way to handle some of the more controversial aspects of computing the savings rate.

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Bill Miller Explains Why I Own Coty and Avon

I own Coty (“COTY”) and Avon (“AVP”).  In the interest of transparency, please note that I am currently long and quite wrong on both. 

I have posted about Coty before.  I have been planning to post a brief thesis summary and update to document my thought process (or lack thereof).  Then, a few weeks ago, I came across a video of a very famous (and very articulate) professional investor essentially summarizing my thoughts on these two positions for me. Continue reading “Bill Miller Explains Why I Own Coty and Avon”