State of the Stash – Year End 2024

Hello! It has been a minute. I really appreciate all of the readers who keep coming by my site even though I’ve been dormant of late. I’ve had a lot going on with family and work commitments. I am hoping to post more regularly now as my youngest is getting a bit more independent.

I have continued to track my investment performance and growth of my accounts. In this post, I will attempt to update my estimated total net worth as of the end of 2024.

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The State of the Stash: Q2 2024

It is time for my personal finance and investing journal update. Let’s update the State of my Stash.

If you are new to my blog, or this series of posts, I am tracking my liquid savings/marketable investments. These posts are sort of a finance and investing journal, so I can look back and see what I was thinking and (hopefully) how I achieved certain financial and savings goals. The primary benefit for me is to have a “forcing function” to make me drill down and see what’s going on.

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Fun Fund: Q4 2023

This post is about my “Fun Fund.” I am going to discuss the performance of this actively managed investment account in the fourth quarter of 2023. I will also take a look at the last five years.

As a reminder, most of the prior posts about this account (which is really just a small Roth IRA that I am tracking more closely than my other investments) are located on this page.

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State of the Stash: Q2 2023

It is time for my personal finance and investing journal update. Let’s update the State of my Stash.

If you are new to my blog, or this series of posts, I am tracking my liquid savings/marketable investments. These posts are sort of a finance and investing journal, so I can look back and see what I was thinking and (hopefully) how I achieved certain financial and savings goals. The primary benefit for me is to have a “forcing function” to make me drill down and see what’s going on.

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Fun Fund: Q2 2023

In this post, I will discuss how and what I am doing in one of my actively managed investment accounts (“the Fund Fund”).

As a reminder, most of the prior posts about this account (which is really just a small Roth IRA that I am tracking more closely than my other investments) are located on this page.

Continue reading “Fun Fund: Q2 2023”

State of the Stash: 2023 Savings Goals – Coast FI?

If you are new to my blog, or this series of “State of the Stash” posts, I am tracking my liquid savings/marketable investments. These posts are sort of a finance and investing journal, so I can look back and see what I was thinking and (hopefully) how I achieved certain financial and savings goals. The primary benefit for me is to have a “forcing function” to make me drill down and see what’s going on. If you’re more interested in electronically chatting about investments, these posts are probably not of interest to you.

Continue reading “State of the Stash: 2023 Savings Goals – Coast FI?”