This post is about my “Fun Fund.” I am going to discuss the performance of this actively managed investment account in the second quarter of 2022.
As a reminder, most of the prior posts about this account (which is really just a small Roth IRA that I am tracking more closely than my other investments) are located on this page.
Q2 2022
Oof. In Q2, this account was down (18.00%). This performance was worse than the SPY, and QVAL, which were down (16.35%) and (17.60%), respectively (per Koyfin).
RPV was down (11.86%). QQQ was down (22.39%). The Gotham Enhanced 500 ETF (GSPY) was down (15.71%). All those figures are from Koyfin and are 04/01/22 through 06/30/22 total returns.
Here’s a chart showing the performance of the garbage stocks that I own (haha) last quarter:

The largest position is CAG at ~17% (since everything else is getting clubbed). Wells is just under 15%. SMG, BAC and COTY are also at ~9%. Everything else is sub 5%. In 2022, I have been buying a little more CMCSA and EBAY. I also added a little DFH <weeps profusely>.
I Continue to do NOTHING and suck at it
In 2022, I have done almost zero to the portfolio. I did buy some CMCSA, SMG, and DFH YTD for which I was promptly and justly decapitated. Just kidding man, I’m all good. I am, however, about to start talking ’bout long term investing and quoting Seneca any moment.
I am hoping to round out the “portfolio” with a couple more really high quality positions (I’ve got like 8% in cash and also want to dump COTY at some point). I’ve been looking into this internet advertising company called Google. Have you heard of it?
I do think I might add a bit more EBAY, or I may just buy it in another account. Even if we go full on 70’s death of equities style inflation, the biggest global flea market/collectibles exchange should be relatively cool (collectibles were so hot in the 70’s, at least relative to equities). Granted it has “tough comps” but IDGAF about that. This game is too hard for that noise.
Anyways, I should post my State of the Stash post sometime here in the next week. I am likely to focus exclusively on my trend + value account, which is doing relatively well or I could focus on the fact that I’ve been shoveling tons of cash into the savings incinerator over like the last year.
I have also been reading a fair amount of books and listening to pods lately. I will try and drop a stream of consciousness to maybe flag some content for you to use to soothe yourself on long summer family vacations and/or trips in the car.
In conclusion, I took a modest L versus the SPY again last quarter. But I still beat the QQQ. Suck it techno-nerds! Thanks for reading.