Oooof! Time to take my medicine and update my investment balances. Click here to behold the raging chemical fire that my dirty financial laundry has become (just kidding it’s not THAT bad).
Continue reading “State of the Stash – March”Category: Investing
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Quarter
Time for a quick update on the “Fun Fund” for the first quarter of 2020. As a reminder, this is just a Roth IRA where I am planning to track my active investments/performance. As you may be able to infer from the title of this post, this quarter could have gone better.
Schadenfreude?Buying the BBB and a New Toy for Me
Wow, it feels like a lot has happened in the two weeks since my last post. The markets have sold off almost another (20%) after the ~(8%) decline in February. In this post I will briefly chronicle how I am thinking about reacting to the corona pandemic and the impact it is having on financial markets and the economy. I also found a new fantastic investing resource that I wanted to share, so you will have the chance to use it during this period of challenge (and opportunity).
Continue reading “Buying the BBB and a New Toy for Me”State of the Stash – February
Hold my corona! It is time for the airing of my personal financial laundry. Let’s see what the corona virus and related market action has done to my portfolio.
Continue reading “State of the Stash – February”I Hit the BRIX. Now What?
As I recently shared, I sold my Brixmor (BRIX) position. In this post, I am going to discuss what I am doing with some of the proceeds.
Continue reading “I Hit the BRIX. Now What?”Berkshire’s Cash Horde
Earlier today, YouTube served me a video of an interesting presentation by Greg Warren, the Morningstar analyst who covers Berkshire Hathaway (“BRK”). Greg said something that I had been thinking about and inspired me to get my thoughts down. So, rather than write about any of the topics I had planned, I am going to share a few thoughts on Berkshire Hathaway’s cash horde and Greg Warren’s: Five Reasons to Consider Buying Berkshire Hathaway.
State of the Stash – 2019 Year End Total Net Worth
In my most recent post, I updated my end of 2019 savings/investments tracking journal. In this post, I’m going to take a crack at estimating my total net worth.
Continue reading “State of the Stash – 2019 Year End Total Net Worth”
Time to Hit the Brix?
I wanted to publish a quick post to serve as both a portfolio update and State of the Stash update for the month of November. TLDR version: I sold out of a position and spent a ton of $$$ on one of our dogs (totally worth it).
Continue reading “Time to Hit the Brix?”Errors and Omissions: Apple and Coty
I thought I would start a new “series” of posts to regularly check in with my portfolio of active investments: sort of a “post-mortem,” without the mortem (hopefully, I will discuss some successes as well). Coty recently announced that it is selling a large chunk of the business that it acquired from P&G, and Apple just hit an all time high, so I thought it was a good time to publish an update on these two.
Read My ElectronsAvon Gets a Brazilian
This will be a quick portfolio update/investing log post updating my thoughts on my Avon position given last week’s announcement that Natura & Co. will acquire Avon.
click here if you care