Bed, Bath & an Abomination?

Bed, Bath & Beyond (“BBBY”) reported earnings on Thursday this past week.  While they “beat consensus estimates” the stock was down around 20% on the day.  More interesting to me is that retail REITs were down around 2% on the day based on the BBBY news.  I am going to take a quick look at BBBY the earnings report (and conference call).  Perhaps more interestingly, we will look at which of the landlords we previously examined has the most BBBY exposure. Continue reading “Bed, Bath & an Abomination?”

For Your Viewing Pleasure: John Malone

Some videos and thoughts about John Malone.

I came across some pretty good/entertaining videos on Youtube about John Malone, of Liberty Global, etc…you know, The Cable Cowboy.  I thought I would share with you and assemble them here for my future reference. Continue reading “For Your Viewing Pleasure: John Malone”

Podcast of the Week

I listen to many investing and finance podcasts (I follow around 20). Even a finance nerd like me can become overwhelmed and buried in the abundance of beautiful pods.  It can be a real drag on your time.  So, I am going to start to “dive on the grenade” and provide you, dear reader (or future self), with one podcast per week that may be worth a listen. Continue reading “Podcast of the Week”

Resource Roundup: More CAPE

This is another in my “Resource Roundup” series, highlighting some resources that I hope you will find useful.  Today, we are going to beautiful Newport Beach, California and across the pond to Deutschland to explore some CAPE-tastic things. Continue reading “Resource Roundup: More CAPE”

Insurers: Greenlight RE and Brighthouse Financial

This post is about David Einhorn’s Greenlight Capital, Greenlight RE (“GLRE”), one of his (reportedly) largest portfolio investments, and related book about another famous investor that I am rereading.   Continue reading “Insurers: Greenlight RE and Brighthouse Financial”

Conagra Brands Update

I am going to discuss the Conagra Brands (“CAG”) recent (03/22/18) earnings report.  The goal is to force myself to go through the report with a little bit of rigor and to document my assessment of facts (and how they impact my thesis) for future evaluation. Continue reading “Conagra Brands Update”

Retail REITs: Brookfield’s Acquisition of General Growth Properties

Since my post about retail REITs, Brookfield Asset Management (“BAM”) entered into an agreement to acquire a mall REIT, General Growth Properties (“GGP”), so I thought we should take a quick look at that comparable transaction as a touchstone for sector valuations and also because the terms looked interesting.   Continue reading “Retail REITs: Brookfield’s Acquisition of General Growth Properties”

Retail REITs: Apocalypse or Opportunity?

For several months now I have been thinking about the retail landscape, more specifically, landlords who own rental properties occupied by retailers.

The challenges facing retail are well publicized and include the Amazonian “Death Star” obliterating all retailers and a number of high profile retail bankruptcies (recently, Toys R’ Us and Clare’s).  I think the general consensus is that retail focused REITs are cheap, but for good reason.  I may have a different view. Continue reading “Retail REITs: Apocalypse or Opportunity?”

Newell Brands and Uncle Carl

I have been following the Newell Brands (“NWL”) saga for a few months.  I was hoping to write a post at some point discussing a purchase of stock, where I would be teaming up with Carl Icahn (“Uncle Carl”)(regrettably I am sure, no relation), Martin Franklin and the Jarden gang, and Starboard Value/Jeffrey Smith/Jeffrey Smith’s hair stylist. Continue reading “Newell Brands and Uncle Carl”

Buying What No One is Selling

I was just looking at the ads on my site and on another couple of finance sites and was inspired to post this. On my site (although I have been proactive about rejecting ads) and others you will see ads for peer-to-peer lending services, privately traded real estate investment trusts, initial coin offerings, tax liens, gold, oil and gas leases, etc…

Most of these have serious fee, tax, or other short comings.  This led me to think, “Maybe good investments are the ones that no one is selling?” continue