
Welcome to the CorpRaider blog.  I am not an actual “Corporate Raider” or activist investor. I’m just a private (hobbyist) investor who played a lot of the old game Wall Street Raider and started using this moniker online some time ago.

I am also, however, focused on minimizing principal-agent problems that investors in publicly traded companies face; incentives matter (especially when applied to smart, greedy people).  Agency costs, incentives, fees, and taxes matter.

I will spend some time discussing the impact of incentives and psychology (and some optimization techniques) in personal finance as well.

I also use this site to create a record of my thoughts about investing and personal finance (mostly for my own future evaluation).  In addition I try to compile links to blogs and other resources which I have found helpful.

Hopefully, we can keep learning, behave ethically, rationally, and intelligently to accumulate some knowledge and wealth over time.  I hope that you will find the information here entertaining and perhaps even useful!