This post is about my “Fun Fund.” I am going to discuss the performance of this actively managed investment account in the second half of 2022.
Continue reading “Fun Fund: Q4 2022”State of the Stash: Q3 2022
I didn’t hear no bell! It is (past) time for my (depressing) personal finance and investing journal update. Let’s update the State of my Stash…
Continue reading “State of the Stash: Q3 2022”State of the Stash: Q2 2022
Apparently, I forgot to do my Stash update for Q1 2022. Oh well, it would have been depressing anyway. Time moves more slowly in a bear market so it’s ok.
It is (past) time for my personal finance and investing journal update. Let’s update the State of my Stash…
Continue reading “State of the Stash: Q2 2022”Fun Fund: Q2 2022
This post is about my “Fun Fund.” I am going to discuss the performance of this actively managed investment account in the second quarter of 2022.
Continue reading “Fun Fund: Q2 2022”Fun Fund: Q1 2022
Q1 2022 Update
This post is about my “Fun Fund.” I am going to discuss the performance of this actively managed investment account in the first quarter of 2022 and share some thoughts on a few positions.
As a reminder, most of the prior posts about this account (which is really just a small Roth IRA that I am tracking more closely than my other investments) are located on this page.
Read onStream of Consciousness #3: “Gone to Cash” Carl Icahn and Ryan Cohen
In this stream I write about a move in my trend account, a Carl Icahn interview, Ryan Cohen’s BBBY 13-D, and Nelson Peltz’s JHG campaign.
In this Stream of Consciousness I am going to write about some recent moves I have made in my portfolio, a recent(ish) Carl Icahn interview, and briefly discuss Ryan Cohen’s Bed Bath and Beyond 13-D filing.
Continue reading “Stream of Consciousness #3: “Gone to Cash” Carl Icahn and Ryan Cohen”Stream of Consciousnesses # 2: Miracle-Gro My Portfolio
Welcome back! I am going to blast out a few paragraphs about a recent podcast concerning Scotts Miracle-Gro.
Continue reading “Stream of Consciousnesses # 2: Miracle-Gro My Portfolio”State of the Stash – Total Net Worth 2021
In my most recent post, I updated my investment account balances as of December 31, 2021. In this post, I’m going to take a crack at estimating my total net worth.
Continue reading “State of the Stash – Total Net Worth 2021”Stream of Consciousness # 1 – Nomad Letters: Sharing Benefits and Some Potential Examples
Welcome back! I am going to try out a new “series” of posts where I just convey sort of an unformatted “stream of consciousness” about what I’m reading, listening to, or thinking. These posts can hopefully serve as sort of notes or observations for future discussion or reference.
I will stick these on a separate page for ease reference. With this format I won’t feel like I have to try and organize and polish, which can be kind of a drag when your day job is mostly drafting various sorts of formal documents
Commence StreamFun Fund: Q4 2021
Update on the fun fund investing account for the fourth quarter and full year 2021
This post is about my “Fun Fund.” I am going to discuss the performance of this actively managed investment account in the fourth quarter of 2021 (and for the whole year) and share some thoughts on a few positions.
As a reminder, most of the prior posts about this account (which is really just a small Roth IRA that I am tracking more closely than my other investments) are located on this page.
On Brave Reader