It is time for my personal finance journal update. The first one of the new decade!
Read MoreI Hit the BRIX. Now What?
As I recently shared, I sold my Brixmor (BRIX) position. In this post, I am going to discuss what I am doing with some of the proceeds.
Continue reading “I Hit the BRIX. Now What?”Berkshire’s Cash Horde
Earlier today, YouTube served me a video of an interesting presentation by Greg Warren, the Morningstar analyst who covers Berkshire Hathaway (“BRK”). Greg said something that I had been thinking about and inspired me to get my thoughts down. So, rather than write about any of the topics I had planned, I am going to share a few thoughts on Berkshire Hathaway’s cash horde and Greg Warren’s: Five Reasons to Consider Buying Berkshire Hathaway.
My 2020 Goals
I think setting some 2020 goals down in electrons will be valuable. For me, it will hopefully cause some reflection as I set the goals and create some accountability by publishing them on the blog. I hope it will also inspire us all to approach 2020 with some intention and a “growth mentality.”
Continue reading “My 2020 Goals”
State of the Stash – 2019 Year End Total Net Worth
In my most recent post, I updated my end of 2019 savings/investments tracking journal. In this post, I’m going to take a crack at estimating my total net worth.
Continue reading “State of the Stash – 2019 Year End Total Net Worth”
State of the Stash – December 2019
Happy New Year! It is time for my personal finance journal update. I am just going to update savings/invested assets in this post and will work on another post updating total net worth and doing an annual review over the next several days. It takes a little bit longer to estimate my total net worth as I’ve got some real estate and deferred compensation to value.
Read MoreTime to Hit the Brix?
I wanted to publish a quick post to serve as both a portfolio update and State of the Stash update for the month of November. TLDR version: I sold out of a position and spent a ton of $$$ on one of our dogs (totally worth it).
Continue reading “Time to Hit the Brix?”State of the Stash – October
It is time for my monthly personal finance journal update. October was pretty exciting. I increased my savings over the last month due to a bit of a small income windfall. I also had some help from Mr. Market. I am getting close to a pretty big milestone.
Read MoreErrors and Omissions: Apple and Coty
I thought I would start a new “series” of posts to regularly check in with my portfolio of active investments: sort of a “post-mortem,” without the mortem (hopefully, I will discuss some successes as well). Coty recently announced that it is selling a large chunk of the business that it acquired from P&G, and Apple just hit an all time high, so I thought it was a good time to publish an update on these two.
Read My ElectronsState of the Stash – September
It is time for my monthly personal finance journal update. September was a huge bounce back from August. I made some real progress. Mr. Market put his shoulder to the wheel as well.